How a personal weight loss struggle inspired a “hack” I wish I had when I started…

…plus how’d I’d do it over to get the same results in half the time!

Dear friend,

About 3 years ago, I decided I wanted to transform my body for the better.

I had already tried this a few times, but always struggled.

I’m Nate, by the way—the founder of Fit Creamery. But enough about me, back to the story…

The truth is, most people struggle with goals like this. But this time was different.

This time, I decided to focus on what I ate instead of just working out all the time. Because as the saying goes, “you can’t outrun your mouth.”

You see, what I basically realized is this: it’s way easier to not eat extra calories than it is to burn extra calories with exercise.

I mean, let me ask you…would it be easier to stop yourself from eating 2 tablespoons of peanut butter (200 calories) or to run 2 miles to burn 200 calories?

I’m guessing you’d say it’s easier to just not eat the peanut butter.

And that’s what I realized, too!

I realized that if I could find a way to eat 200-300 less calories a day, I would be able to reach my goal (I’ll tell you how I’d do it even faster in a minute).

The problem is, I like to eat. So instead of depriving myself of the (not-so-healthy) foods I love, I started swapping them for healthy versions.

And that’s how I came up with Fit Sweet ice cream mix! I honestly didn’t set out to invent it for anyone but myself (but now I’m hoping you’ll love it, too)!

It all started when I couldn’t find an ice cream in the freezer aisle that was actually healthy and didn’t taste like chalk (you know the ones I’m talking about).

So I spent almost 2 years perfecting a recipe for a delicious, guilt-free treat that I could easily whip up at home in a blender, ice cream maker, Ninja CREAMi or just my freezer whenever cravings struck!

Then, after some great reviews from friends and family, I was inspired to make it available to the masses—and that’s when Fit Creamery was born!

And because I’m so sure you’ll love Fit Sweet ice cream and have success with it like I did, I’m making it available for up to 30% off with free shipping (but not forever).

To take advantage of this limited time deal, go here:

Oh, and if you’re still wondering how I’d get the same results in half the time if I could do it again…it’s pretty simple: I’d add in a 20-30 minute walk each day!

Have a sweet day!

Founder, Fit Creamery

Last updated: October, 2024

The sweeteners used in our Fit Sweet ice cream mix were selected based on the most up to date and vetted studies, FDA guidance and safety consensus supported by the preponderance of current scientific data5,6. The combination of erythritol, allulose and stevia leaf extract has consistently been shown to be by far the least impactful, safest and most well-tolerated sugar-free and low-carb sweetener blend available today1,2. They are excreted unmetabolized and unchanged even at high doses after consumption—demonstrating their non-impact on our bodies3. These sweeteners are derived naturally and can be found in everyday foods like melons, pears, grapes, figs, maple syrup, soy sauce, miso and wine1,2,4.

1Mazi TA, Stanhope KL. Erythritol: An In-Depth Discussion of Its Potential to Be a Beneficial Dietary Component. Nutrients. 2023 Jan 1;15(1):204. doi: 10.3390/nu15010204. PMID: 36615861; PMCID: PMC9824470.
2Yuma T, Tokuda M, Nishimoto N, Yokoi H, Izumori K. Allulose for the attenuation of postprandial blood glucose levels in healthy humans: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS One. 2023 Apr 6;18(4):e0281150. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0281150. PMID: 37023000; PMCID: PMC10079081.
3I.C Munro, W.O Bernt, J.F Borzelleca, G Flamm, B.S Lynch, E Kennepohl, E.A Bär, J Modderman, Erythritol: an interpretive summary of biochemical, metabolic, toxicological and clinical data, Food and Chemical Toxicology, Volume 36, Issue 12, 1998, Pages 1139-1174, ISSN 0278-6915
4Chowdhury AI, Rahanur Alam M, Raihan MM, Rahman T, Islam S, Halima O. Effect of stevia leaves (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni) on diabetes: A systematic review and meta-analysis of preclinical studies. Food Sci Nutr. 2022 Apr 24;10(9):2868-2878. doi: 10.1002/fsn3.2904. PMID: 36171777; PMCID: PMC9469865.
5Cramer T, Gonder U, Kofler B. Plasma erythritol and cardiovascular risk: is there evidence for an association with dietary intake? Front Nutr. 2023 May 23;10:1195521. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2023.1195521. PMID: 37287998; PMCID: PMC10242034.
6Peterson K, Ayoob, K. CCC Statement on “The Artificial Sweetener Erythritol and Cardiovascular Event Risk”. Calorie Control Council. 2023 Feb.

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